Daddario EPS170 ProSteels Bass, Light, 45-100, Long Scale > D'addario

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  • Daddario EPS170 ProSteels Bass, Light, 45-100, Long Scale
    Daddario E
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Daddario EPS170 ProSteels Bass, Light, 45-100, Long Scale 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 Daddario
원산지 USA
판매가격 전화문의
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


EPS170, D'Addario's best-selling ProSteels bass set and the standard gauge for most electric basses, offers the ideal combination of bright, booming tone and comfortable feel. The most versatile and universally appealing set for those that desire the brightness and rich harmonics of ProSteels. Fits long scale basses with a string scale length of up to 36 1/4 inches.

ProSteels are D'Addario's brightest and most corrosion resistant strings. A specialized steel alloy delivers harmonically rich, brilliant high-end coupled with deep, tight lows that work in tandem to create the coveted "Piano tone" steel players crave. Great for both articulate fingering or aggressive picking, ProSteels give you the extra edge and punch you need to cut through the mix.

  • D'Addario's most popular ProSteels bass guitar set
  • D'Addario's brightest and most corrosion resistant strings offering harmonically rich, deep and penetrating tone
  • Fits long scale basses with a string scale length of up to 36 1/4 inches
  • Made in the U.S.A. for the highest quality and performance
  • String Gauges: Wound .045, .065, .080, .100
  • Environmentally friendly, corrosion resistant packaging for strings that are always fresh

상품 정보 고시

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