Monterey 3 - Green : T20W1422 > Daddario

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  • Monterey 3 - Green : T20W1422
    Monterey 3
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Monterey 3 - Green : T20W1422 요약정보 및 구매

제조사 Planet Wave
원산지 미국
판매가격 전화문의
배송비결제 주문시 결제

상품 정보

상품 상세설명

Monterey 3 - Green : T20W1422

● Woven 스트랩
● 넓이 : 2인치
● 35인치~59.5인치까지 길이 조절가능
● Monterey3 - Green 프린트



Throw the Monterey strap on your favorite guitar and get in touch with your classic rock side with this retro design.
  • Retro inspired Monterey design
  • Woven ribbon on a 2" tubular nylon backing
  • Adjustable from 35" to 59.5" long
  • Available in variety of colors and designs
  • Strong and secure leather ends
Designed for players of all genres, D'Addario woven straps offer designs that will please even the most discerning player. From iconic themes to unique patterns and artwork, these durable straps are sure to accent any guitar and are adjustable from 35" to 59.5" long.



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